My experience at Micam is over, you have no idea about how much it was funny! Take the first steps in the fair was not easy because many exhibitors were afraid to show us and let us photograph the collections probably because was the first time that bloggers take part to this project. Others exhibitors like Senso, United Nude, Fornarina, Masaya Kushino ecc have been very helpful and collaborate with them was very interesting for us. MICAM blogger's team was great, specil thanks to Fiona, Niccolo and Maria.who shared with me much of this experience.
Now it’s time to analyze what trends have emerged through the visit at the fair and in cities like Milan and Paris.
Colored shoes: Milan Super Thin heels: MilanFlat shoes: MilanFuturistic shoes: MilanFur shoes: Milan
Vintage/Retro inspiration: ParisMaxi wedge: ParisArtistic Heels: MilanClassic shoes: ParisFunny shoes: ParisWood heels: Paris Copyright ⓒ 2010-2011 NobodyKnowsMarc All Rights Reserved